Fascial Stretch Therapy
What is Fascial Stretch Therapy?
FST™ is a hands-on therapy that utilizes a series of assisted stretch movements. It is a unique system of therapy using a table and stability straps to maximize mobility by working through the fascial nets of the body, starting within the joint itself. Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds & invests all structures of the body.
While many therapies can help these conditions, only FST can completely treat inflexible fascia at the deepest level (your joint capsule). FST is a comprehensive and logical system that is active and not passive. In FST we work with the fascia and ‘romance’ the nervous system to get the best results.
What are the benefits of Fascial Stretch Therapy?
- Naturally help your body align posture
- Improve muscle function
- Increase range of motion
- Reduce injuries
- Reduce and remove pain
- Improve athletic performance
- Improve functional strength and gains
- Decrease stress
- Reduce muscle soreness
- Accelerate injury recovery
- Look and feel your best
- Improve your sex life
- And much more…
Who can benefit from FST?

- Laborers
- Athletes
- Olympic and Power weightlifters
- Senior Citizens
- Weekend warriors
- Cross fitters
- Desk Workers
- Pregnant women
FST is beneficial for all walks of life. It helps keep your body healthy along with living pain free!